I'm an artist so obviously I'm addicted to beautiful new brushes, luscious oil paints, teal (my favorite colour at the moment) but it's not that, no, I think I've a problem with.....cookery books!
I can't be the only person who has a couple of shelves of cookery books? who loves to sit up late into the night in bed reading a new, or much loved one as if it were a novel? But yes, I do use them for inspiration for a delicious new meal, or a celebratory cake, or the thought of once and for all learning how to make sourdough!! #mustlearntomakesourdoughbread
But recently, one of the newest edition to my cookery book shelf became an inspiration in an unexpected way. I'd bought the hard back copy of 'root stem leaf flower, how to cook with vegetables and other plants' by Gill Meller and honestly, although I'm a sucker for the latest veggie and/or seasonal cooking book, I'd bought this one because of the stunning imagery. Many of the photographs within the book by Andrew Montgomery are works of art. #photographyart
The inspiration though, came from something Mr Meller had written in the introduction about tasting gooseberries, in season, and how they encompass a whole year of memories, emotions, future plans, and, for me the key idea was that that taste of the gooseberry can anchor him/us to a particular time and place.
I stopped reading and suddenly understood what I try to accomplish when I paint. I want my paintings, my art to be like the gooseberry to take the viewer back to a particular time and place. It might be a place they have never been, or perhaps they have been but never at such a particular time; I want my art, like a time machine, to be able to take them back to where I was when sketching, walking, dreaming to when and where the first idea for that artwork was born. But also, I want that piece of artwork to forever anchor them in the time and place where/when they first saw it. Preferably in reality rather than virtually as the emotional, energetic aspect of a piece of art can only easily be accessed face to face (But that's another post).
I'd love to know what piece of art, painting, architecture, sculpture, photograph transported, or still transports you to a moment in time.
(Image: crop from a still life lemons and bowl)
#Geometry #Architecture of nature #inspirational sources #addiction #cookery books #beauty #natural world #artistic #timemachine #photographyasart